(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org
Required Reading/Viewing

Required Reading/Viewing

As I scrolled through my incredibly cluttered Gmail inbox last evening, my eyes fixed on a priority sender (namely my boss) and the subject line MLC Staff: Required Watching/Listening. The purpose of the forwarded email was to share a lengthy and roughly produced...
My “Ex”perience

My “Ex”perience

I was very blessed this year to be able to attend the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s Extravaganza in Jacksonville, FL. From Thursday to Monday, 565 children youth and family (CYF) workers gathered from across the country to explore our theme this year, DISRUPT. How can...
Hurricane Michael Relief Responses

Hurricane Michael Relief Responses

Madison County collection site lists requested items through this Friday, Oct 26 Madison County Commissioners are working together this week to collect items for hurricane relief. Items include bottled water, nonperishable food, buckets, bleach, toiletries, bar soap,...
Wednesday, Sep 19 at MLC

Wednesday, Sep 19 at MLC

An online preview of tonight’s events and upcoming events and opportunities at Messiah Lutheran Church Announcements Ushers needed for 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. service Counters needed for 8:30 a.m. service Counters: On the occasional Sunday where the 11:00...
2018 Graduation Baskets

2018 Graduation Baskets

The Class of 2018  —  Congratulations Graduates! Sending baskets are located in the hallway leading to the Parish Hall.  Please fill them with items they may need in the next phase of their lives such as towels, detergent, copy paper, etc. Baskets will be...