(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Walk to Defeat ALS 2012

Messiah Lutheran Church participated again this year in the Huntsville Walk to Defeat ALS. Thanks to all of our walkers and everyone who supported the team. About the Walk to Defeat ALS  Every year, hundreds of thousands of people across the country bring their...
Sunday School Rally Day, August 19, 2012

Sunday School Rally Day, August 19, 2012

SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY AUGUST 19, 2012 9:45 AM IN THE SANCTUARY Jesus Blesses Little Children 13  Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, “[i] Let the...
Practice Discipleship

Practice Discipleship

Saturday started with bright eyes as the activity was only two blocks from our hotel and it we were due there at the relatively late time of 8:30. Besides we were going to interact with our fellow Lutherans from the Southeastern Synod. As we waited outside the...
Practice Justice

Practice Justice

Friday started bright and early as the group was slated to meet at the dome at 7:45 AM for their service project. I hadn’t slept hardly at all the night before, getting up for good at 4:45 AM and watching TV in the meeting room lounge so I volunteered to stay at...