(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org


June 18, 2016 Danie Blue The morning started differently than the others. Instead of a breakfast at the hostel, our group had nothing planned until 10:30 a.m., so we went out to different cafes in Wittenberg. It was a good cultural experience to learn restaurant...
Halle – Leipzig

Halle – Leipzig

June 17 – Halle – Leipzig Anna Flowers Today started really early … we ate breakfast at 7 am and were off by 8. After breakfast, we drove to Halle and after a quick look around took a guided tour around the city.   We saw churches, sculptures, a cool...
Wittenberg, Here We Are

Wittenberg, Here We Are

June 16 – Berlin to Wittenberg Bridie Ryan Yesterday, after a breakfast of lunch meats, we went to an old cathedral which was pretty cool. There was a giant organ and huge stained glass windows. At one point I was looking for a coffee shop and I ended up finding...


June 15 – Berlin After a restful night in the hostel and a delicious German breakfast, our full day in Berlin began with a bus tour. The clear delineation of the Cold War’s East and West Berlin was evident as we wove through the city streets. Some of the...