(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

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Children’s Church Palm Sunday

Children’s Church Palm Sunday

Hello and welcome to our Children's church for this week's celebration of Palm Sunday! Let's see how our story from Matthew 21:1-11 relates to Xander's Panda Party at the zoo. Hope you have a bear-y good Palm Sunday! https://youtu.be/dIaJgfLg0Bs Remember to send any...

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Required Reading/Viewing

Required Reading/Viewing

As I scrolled through my incredibly cluttered Gmail inbox last evening, my eyes fixed on a priority sender (namely my boss) and the subject line MLC Staff: Required Watching/Listening. The purpose of the forwarded email was to share a lengthy and roughly produced...

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Ways to Give Right Now

Ways to Give Right Now

WAYS TO GIVE YOUR OFFERINGS AMIDST COVID-19 PANDEMIC The COVID-19 pandemic and response have changed the way a lot of us do things. Messiah's temporary change to the worship online-only format is something I doubt any of our congregation would have foreseen at the...

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Here’s how we can get through this.

Here’s how we can get through this.

Dear Friends in Christ, Following recommendations to socially isolate is difficult for Christians. How are we to love one another without a hug, a handshake, or that reassuring pat on the shoulder? How are we to be God's People, Reaching Out when it's safest for us...

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