(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org
Pipe Organ Dedication

Pipe Organ Dedication

After an absence of more than 3 years, a pipe organ is being heard in Messiah Lutheran Church again.  The expansion of the sanctuary required a different pipe organ to fill the space.   This custom built, refurbished organ was designed by Miller Organ...

Stewardship Temple Talk

Today Richard Webb gave a powerful (yet humorous) temple talk on stewardship. Stewardship is graciously managing the time, talent and treasures given to us by God.  To put it another way: STEWARDSHIP is our response which shows gratitude to God for all God has...
Narthex Carpet

Narthex Carpet

You may have noticed a little change in the Narthex this week.  A team of volunteers ripped up the old carpet, repaired the floor and laid some attractive new carpet squares in a custom designed pattern. If that old carpet could talk, what stories it could...