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Daily Devotion – April 20, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 20, 2020

OUR ONE NEED: GOD Not, Lord, because I have done well or ill;Not that my mind looks up to thee clear-eyed;Not that it struggles in fast cerements tied;Not that I need thee daily sorer still;Not that I, wretched, wander from thy will;Not now for any cause to thee I...
Daily Devotion – April 18, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 18, 2020

Soggy Cereal and Tepid Tea Dear Disciples, this may be my favorite Gerhard Frost poem.  Many times it encouraged me enough to offer my meager gifts in hopes our Lord may find a way to use me.  –Pastor Scott SOGGY CEREAL AND TEPID TEA by Gerhard Frost When I...
Daily Devotion – April 17, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 17, 2020

GRIEF teaches hard lessons.  In this resurrection season we remember loved ones now entrusted to our Lord’s eternal care.  Our faith gives powerful consolation when we grieve.  Yet, when another dear one departs the grieving continues with another layer...
Daily Devotion – April 16, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 16, 2020

Faith Gnaws Too This Sunday’s Gospel reading is John 20:19-31 Thomas, the Twin, was one of Jesus’ first twelve disciples.  He sounds like he could have come from Missouri: the ‘Show-Me’ State, as it says on their license plates.  The evening of Easter Sunday the risen...
Daily Devotion – April 15, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 15, 2020

ATTICS Are you going through an attic or storage space as a project while awaiting liberation?  That always takes me much longer than I think it should.  I get caught up in memories.  Does God speak to us when we reminisce?  Memories can be rich...