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Wheelchair Ramp Build, 31 Jan 2015

Wheelchair Ramp Build, 31 Jan 2015

Completed Wheelchair Ramp 2 Corinthians 9:7  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. What an awesome day! It started with a need.  A woman in Harvest, Alabama needed the ability...

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Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLS)

Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLS)

The Older Wiser Lutherans or OWLS as they are known are a loosely knit group of folks (over 50 years of age) who get together once a month for an activity.  These activities vary from a Potluck at the church, Sunday brunch at a restaurant, a visit to the...

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Wheelchair Ramp Build, 11 Oct 2014

Wheelchair Ramp Build, 11 Oct 2014

Today, the carpentry team from Messiah Lutheran Church in Madison, Alabama completed another wheelchair ramp for a gentleman in Huntsville, Alabama. The Messiah Team with the Home Owner on the Completed Ramp Our ministry is to provide a means for those are...

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Stewardship Temple Talk

Today Richard Webb gave a powerful (yet humorous) temple talk on stewardship. Stewardship is graciously managing the time, talent and treasures given to us by God.  To put it another way: STEWARDSHIP is our response which shows gratitude to God for all God has...

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Narthex Carpet

Narthex Carpet

You may have noticed a little change in the Narthex this week.  A team of volunteers ripped up the old carpet, repaired the floor and laid some attractive new carpet squares in a custom designed pattern. If that old carpet could talk, what stories it could...

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LWR Blankets and Kits 2014

LWR Blankets and Kits 2014

We humbly dedicate our gifts of love to you. We ask that you bless the fruits of our labor and the whole work of Lutheran World Relief, that together we may minister to our neighbors in need. Today at Messiah Lutheran Church, we dedicate a year's worth of work by two...

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The Cherub Choir

On Sunday, June 1st The Cherub Choir performed, "Let The Children Come To Me".  The Cherub Choir is directed by Claire Strand (with help from Stephen Strand).  Pictured, L to R:  Alexander Mansfield, Ty Mooningham, Hannah Seitz, Samantha Gloe, Amalia...

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